The 36th Annual Georgia Alumni Association of Historically Black State Universities (GAAHBSU) Legislative Conference will be held February 2-4, 2021, VIRTUALLY. GAAHBSU is a consortium initially comprised of the National Alumni Associations of the three Georgia public historically black universities. Fort Valley State University National Alumni Association, Inc. is host for the 2021 conference. The theme for the 2021 conference is “GAAHBSU: Together We Are STRONGER”. This year's keynote speaker is Mr. Jarett L. Carter, Sr., Founder and Publisher of HBCU Digest. Mr. Carter is an authority on HBCUs and has used his media platform to advocate for historically black colleges and universities and to increase their awareness and visibility.The purpose of the legislative conference is to unite Albany State University, Fort Valley State University and Savannah State University alumni associations collectively with a common goal of ensuring the longevity of the three Georgia public historically black universities.
The conference registration cost is $25 and may be purchased by registering online below or by mail at Fort Valley State University, Office of Alumni Relations, 1005 State University Drive, Fort Valley, Georgia 31030. All checks or money orders should be made payable to GAAHBSU. You may also purchase a full-page color ad in the conference souvenir booklet at a cost of $20. Please, submit your camera-ready ads to Ms. Phyllis Walker at or mail to Fort Valley State University, Office of Alumni Relations, 1005 State University Drive, Fort Valley, Georgia 31030. Checks or money orders for ad purchases should also be made payable to GAAHBSU. The deadline for purchasing ads and registering for the conference is January 21, 2021. Your support of this conference through the purchase of registrations and ads is greatly appreciated.
The 2021 legislative conference will provide a forum for alumni and current students to dialogue with state legislators, university presidents and other educational leaders. Alumni will be encouraged to address the universities’ common goals, objectives and concerns with the key state leaders. Current university students attending the legislative conference will become recruitment ambassadors visiting Metro Atlanta high schools to encourage high school students to attend the three Georgia historically black universities. Please join us this year as GAAHBSU continues to encourage the state officials, alumni and students to support the sustainment of Albany State, Fort Valley State and Savannah State Universities. Make your reservations soon and let your voice be heard.