The FVSU Washington DC Metro Area Alumni Chapter elected office. The positions for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Please review the duties and responsibilities of each elected officers. We encourage our younger and older alumni to be active in the process and to nominate a Wildcat that you think will affect the change you wish to see and the direction to take the Washington DC Metro Area Alumni Chapter a little higher.

Committee chairpersons

To provide information and documents required for being a chair of this alumni association. All committee chairpersons, please remember to bring typed copies of your Committee Report, so that, they may be distributed to the membership body, prior to the beginning of all Chapter Meetings.


Maintain current copies of the Bylaws of the Chapter and National Bylaws; periodically review the Chapter's Bylaws for conformity with the National Bylaws and recommend amendments as needed, and submit all coordinated amendments to the membership in writing at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to consideration. Copy of the Bylaws shall be available at all meetings.


Recommend fund-raising projects to the Chapter’s Executive Board for approval by the Chapter. After project approval, coordinates, and implements all necessary actions to accomplish project.


The Homecoming Committee shall develop and obtain chairpersons to organize and chair projects/events during the FVSU Annual Homecoming; and shall prepare an annual plan of action(s) and present activity reports at the quarterly membership meetings.


The Membership Committee shall develop and implement comprehensive programs, which will assist in retaining and increasing membership within the Chapter. Conduct an annual Chapter Membership Drive. Develop membership recruiting aids and techniques to assist the Chapter with its membership drives. The Committee shall be responsible for orientation of new members and maintain accurate records of Chapter members, and the potential areas to be targeted for potential interest groups. The Membership Committee Chair shall serve as the Chapter’s liaison to the National Membership Committee.

Program + Planning

The Program and Program and Planning Committee: Planning Committee shall develop and implement a comprehensive and ongoing general program for the Chapter, addressing areas of concern to members of the Chapter; and provide program ideas and aids to assist the Chapter in maintaining a high standard of programs. Consult with the Chapter Executive Board to develop programs for the year. Develop and implement a marketing and strategic plan for the Chapter that consists of a short-range (less than 2 years) and a long-range (greater than 2 years) plan to address goals and objectives. All programs pursued by this committee must be approved, in advance, by the Executive Board and/or General Membership and certified feasible by the Treasurer. Maintain a record of program participation for permanent file.


The Publicity Committee shall develop, implement, and maintain a publicity and public relations program which includes the generation of media coverage for all Chapter events; review and issue news releases to the Chapter website and National Alumni newsletter.


The Recruitment Committee shall serve as the focal point for all Chapter college recruitment fairs. The Committees shall work with the FVSU Director of Recruitment in coordinating local college fairs. The Committee shall submit a report of the activities of the committee within thirty days after the college fair is conducted. All recruitment personal data shall be submitted to the National Director for Recruitment within seventy-two (72) hours.

Special + Ad-Hoc

EXAMPLE: To support the 2012 FVSUNAA Conference; this committee is the Steering Planning Committee that serves until the completion of the 2012 Conference: July 19-21, 2012. The President may establish special committees as required, and develop duties according to the needs of the Chapter. These committees shall serve at the discretion of the President as to the composition, duties and length of service. In addition, each special and ad hoc committee must submit a written report to the Executive Board upon activation of the committee.